Community of Practice (CoP): New Tool for District Leaders: Fostering Conditions for Student Success

How can school district leaders foster the conditions and enable the supports necessary for their students to thrive? In this session, Bob Balfanz (Everyone Graduates Center), Sarah Howard (Network for College Success), Kylie Klein (American Institutes for Research) and Jenny Scala (American Institutes for Research) guided participants through a discussion of our new resource for school district leaders.

BARR National Conference

Members of the GRAD Partnership team will be attending the BARR National Conference.  At the BARR Conference, national leaders and education advocates will join educators and officials at the state, district, and school levels to share ideas and learn from…

Webinar: Using Data to Advance Student Success

Watch the webinar. Join the GRAD Partnership and the Data Quality Campaign to learn how schools and districts are using actionable, real-time, holistic data as part of a systemic approach to advance student success. Student success systems are a way…

Webinar: NEA Community School Implementation Institute

Watch the webinar The COVID-19 pandemic created a level and intensity of student need that many current school efforts aren’t designed to meet. Teachers are working harder than ever before to help their students succeed, but they shouldn’t have to…

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