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Districts and Schools
Student success systems provide schools with a unified system that integrates, extends, and increases the capacity of existing student support efforts, including early warning, on-track, and multi-tiered support systems.
Partner with us to plan, implement, and sustain high-quality student success systems so that middle and high schools are empowered to graduate all students ready for the future.
Multiple types of technical assistance and training are available that can be tailored to your needs.

The GRAD Partnership is currently working with over 250 schools and districts across the nation. Contact us to learn more and get involved.
There are a small number of indicators that are highly predictive of school success including grade promotion, high school graduation and postsecondary readiness.
Evidence and experience in a wide range of schools shows that when schools constantly monitor progress for all students on these key indicators, and create human systems using insights from teachers, students themselves, and parents to identify the best solutions, schools can be effective in enabling all students to succeed.
Attendance, behavior/social-emotional status, and course performance have been shown time and time again to be the key indicators.
To succeed, students need to be in school, be able to focus in class and engaged with learning, and do their schoolwork. Challenges and success in any one of these areas, can impact the others.
We need to be aware this is happening and understand what’s underneath it and change or support the underlying conditions to lead to better results.