The Power of Transformational Data to Drive Student Success: Lessons Emerging from the GRAD Partnership Community of Practice

Data for accountability has been used to set goals, evaluate practices, and connect efforts to student outcomes. While essential, this approach leaves little room for reflection or flexibility. In contrast, data for transformation blends accountability with deeper reflection and inquiry into practices, guiding educators to examine and refine their strategies to better serve students.
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To Solve Attendance Issues, Use Connections Not Suspensions

A recent analysis of data from a dozen states revealed that one in ten school suspensions between 2017-18 to 2021-22 were related to student attendance (for example, missing class). Whether students are truant, absent, or late, suspending students causes them to miss even more class time. With schools across the country facing record high rates of chronic absenteeism, this amounts to attempting to put out a fire with a torch.
Read MoreTo Solve Attendance Issues, Use Connections Not Suspensions
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