Building Intermediary Connections and Community
Last month, over 100 educators came together to learn, collaborate and inspire each other during the GRAD Partnership’s National Student Support Systems Convening. Over the course of two days, participants shared lessons, strategies and goals with the collective aim of building high-quality student success systems across the nation.
Read MoreBuilding Intermediary Connections and CommunityThe Power of Transformational Data to Drive Student Success: Lessons Emerging from the GRAD Partnership Community of Practice
Data for accountability has been used to set goals, evaluate practices, and connect efforts to student outcomes. While essential, this approach leaves little room for reflection or flexibility. In contrast, data for transformation blends accountability with deeper reflection and inquiry into practices, guiding educators to examine and refine their strategies to better serve students.
Read MoreThe Power of Transformational Data to Drive Student Success: Lessons Emerging from the GRAD Partnership Community of PracticeMissouri State helps represent rural schools in national initiative
Ten schools in the Ozarks received a grant for GRAD Partnership from the Rural Schools Collaborative (RSC) to implement student-success systems and participate in the rural portion of a national project.
Read MoreMissouri State helps represent rural schools in national initiative Fostering Strong Supportive Relationships in an Environment of Shifting Demographics
It’s Native American Heritage month! As we recognize Indigenous peoples and their enormous contributions to our world throughout the month of November, it’s also a great time to think about the gift of feeling seen and how we extend this gift to all the students we serve.
Read MoreFostering Strong Supportive Relationships in an Environment of Shifting DemographicsGRAD Partnership School Earns First ‘A’ Rating
A big round of congratulations are in order for the GRAD Partnership’s first spotlight school – Southeast Lauderdale High School – who have recently seen their efforts to support student success systems pay off in a big way.
Read MoreGRAD Partnership School Earns First ‘A’ RatingSpotlights Share Their Stories: Southeast Lauderdale High School
The GRAD Partnership recently checked in with Kameron to learn about what led to her school’s decision to work with TDS to launch a student success system, and the impact of their efforts to date.
Read MoreSpotlights Share Their Stories: Southeast Lauderdale High SchoolPerseverance and Connectedness: One Student’s Journey Through Dyslexia
Elle was diagnosed with dyslexia in her freshman year of high school, and her story is a testament to the strength that supportive relationships and a drive to excel can have in overcoming challenges.
Read MorePerseverance and Connectedness: One Student’s Journey Through DyslexiaReflections on School Connectedness During Suicide Prevention Month
Focusing on efforts to improve agency, belonging, and connectedness are the most direct ways that a school can have an impact on a student’s mental health.
Read MoreReflections on School Connectedness During Suicide Prevention MonthSpotlights Share Their Stories: Manzano High School
The GRAD Partnership recently checked in with Jeanie Stark to learn about what led Manzano High School to implement a student success system, and what impact that the work has had on students.
Read MoreSpotlights Share Their Stories: Manzano High SchoolSpotlights Share Their Stories: Johnson Central High School
The GRAD Partnership recently checked in with Noel Crum to learn about what led to his school’s decision to work with BARR, and what impact that the work has had on its students.
Read MoreSpotlights Share Their Stories: Johnson Central High School